Apple Cancels AirPower, My AirPower Theory, Mac Butterfly Keyboard Woes Continue 

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Apple Cancels AirPower

  • My AirPower Theory 

  • Mac Butterfly Keyboard Woes Continue 

We begin today’s email with AirPower. The discussion includes my theory connecting all of the dots regarding AirPower and what the project’s cancellation tells us about Apple’s leadership structure. The email then shifts to the ongoing issues found with MacBook butterfly keyboards. We go over why Apple continues to move forward with the keyboard design and how the entire butterfly keyboard saga is an offshoot of the thesis found in my article, “The Mac Is Turning into Apple’s Achilles’ Heel.”

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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