Samsung Buys Viv, Apple Is Not Bidding for Twitter, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon stories: 

  • Samsung Buys Viv
  • Apple Is Not Bidding for Twitter
  • Thursday Q&A

We begin today's update with a closer look at news that Samsung bought Viv, the artificial intelligence company founded by two of Siri's creators. We go over Viv and my thoughts and observations about the deal, including implications from Apple not buying Viv. The email then turns to news that the Twitter bidding war may not actually be much of a war after all. We discuss why the Apple/Twitter acquisition rumors don't make much sense, in addition to going over the most likely outcome for Twitter. We end the email with the latest installment of member Q&A, and I answer the following questions from Above Avalon members: 

  • Could Tim Cook have been using misdirection when downplaying AR and VR headsets? 
  • Do you think Google wanted Tony Fadell to have a leadership role in its hardware efforts?

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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