Above Avalon Episode 13: Apple Wants to Design a Car

Above Avalon Episode 13: Apple Wants to Design a Car
Neil Cybart

With nearly every major business news publication reporting Apple is looking to design its own car, Neil takes a look at the polarizing issue and why there seems to be so much disagreement among industry observers. The episode also includes discussion on what Apple's goal would be by entering the automobile industry, concluding with a few minutes of speculation as to what Apple R&D may be focused on.

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Show Notes:

Apple Hiring Automative Experts to Work in Secret Research Lab - Financial Times

Apple Gears Up to Challenge Tesla in Electric Cars - WSJ 

Apple Wants to Start Producing Cars as Soon as 2020 - Bloomberg

Apple Hiring Big Brains in Car Battery Space - Reuters

Apple Is Forming an Auto Team - The New York Times 

Jan Dawson - The Evolution of CarPlay - Techpinions

AAPL Orchard daily email - Above Avalon


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