Introducing the Above Avalon Daily Podcast
Over the past five years, 2,000-word written daily updates have served as the cornerstone of Above Avalon membership. With more than 1,000 updates published to date (the archive is found here), the emails have become widely read and influential in the world of Apple.
In an effort to make it easier to consume the daily updates in new and different ways, I am excited to announce a new daily podcast called Above Avalon Daily.
Designed as an add-on feature that can be attached to an existing membership, Above Avalon Daily allows written daily updates to be accessible beyond screens. Members now have the ability to consume the daily updates around the house, on a walk, or in the car.
I am a big believer in podcasts as demonstrated with 172 episodes and counting of the Above Avalon podcast produced over the past six years. Not only does the podcast medium offer a different consumption experience compared to written content, but the two supplement each other. Based on feedback over the years, many AboveAvalon.com readers also listen to the Above Avalon podcast and vice versa. My expectation is that this dynamic will now be found with written and audio versions of the Above Avalon daily updates.
Some may want to listen to Above Avalon Daily first and then read the episode’s “transcript” via the corresponding written daily update. This is especially true for various financial topics covered in the updates. Others will want to read the updates first and then listen to the updates at a later time while driving, at the gym, or doing anything that may limit screen access.
Episode Details
Above Avalon Daily episodes closely follow that day’s written update. Episodes revolve around the following topics:
Apple business and strategy analysis.
My perspective and observations on current news and Apple competitors.
My Apple financial estimates.
Full coverage of Apple earnings, product events, and keynotes.
It became clear early on when creating Above Avalon Daily that one cannot simply take the written daily updates and recite or dictate them word for word. There are too many quoted passages, numbers, exhibits, charts, and data points. Accordingly, each episode includes some curation, new transitions, and commentary that help convert written daily updates into an enjoyable audio format.
Two sample episodes are found below:
Each episode is approximately 15 minutes. Earnings and event episodes will run longer. As with the written daily update schedule, there are four new podcast episodes a week, which works out to a little under 200 episodes a year.
New episodes are released after that day’s daily update is published. Since I am based in the Eastern time zone, new episodes are published in the evening time frame. This makes it possible for new episodes to be listened to first thing the following morning in most regions. New episodes will come out in the AM in Asia and Australia as well. Of course, you can listen to new episodes as soon as they are published.
How to Listen
Transistor is handling the behind-the-scenes mechanics of Above Avalon Daily, a private podcast that can be listened to with various podcast players including Apple Podcasts and Overcast (both of which work great with Above Avalon Daily).
Above Avalon Daily relies on private RSS feeds. This makes it possible for new Above Avalon Daily episodes to show up only for members who have purchased the podcast add-on.
The set-up process for listening to Above Avalon Daily is very simple:
Upon purchasing the podcast add-on, you will receive an email (from “Neil Cybart via Transistor”) that directs you to a sign-up page listing various podcast players that can be used to listen to the podcast. Open the page on an iPhone, and you will see various iOS podcast players. Open the page on a Mac, and you will see options for listening to the podcast on a Mac. A screenshot of that page is found below.
After you select your preferred podcast player, previously-published Above Avalon Daily episodes will automatically appear in your podcast feed. There are already three hours worth of daily updates available. New episodes will appear as they are published.
That’s it. There is no need to create a separate login, password, or Transistor profile. In the vast majority of cases, there is no need to even copy or paste a link or RSS feed.
Pricing and Signing Up
The Above Avalon Daily podcast is available as an add-on ($10 per month or $100 per year) that is attached to an Above Avalon membership.
If you are currently an Above Avalon member, fill out this form to get the podcast add-on. To become an Above Avalon member and purchase the podcast add-on at signup, use the following forms:
Payment is hosted and secured by MoonClerk and Stripe. Apple Pay is accepted. You will receive a confirmation email that includes a link allowing you to update your payment information and membership status at any time.
In addition to being the first podcast exclusive for members, Above Avalon Daily marks the start of members being able to customize their membership to better suit their lifestyle and background. To those members who have already become listeners, thank you for your support. To those of you considering Above Avalon Daily, I am confident you will find the podcast a valuable addition to your daily routine.
Above Avalon Podcast Episode 168: The Paid Membership Model
This past week marked the fifth anniversary of Neil launching Above Avalon membership. Above Avalon continues to thrive with a sustainable business model based solely on paid memberships. In episode 168, Neil gives a behind-the-scenes look at Above Avalon’s business model. Additional topics include: Above Avalon’s history, Neil’s “secrets” to success, and his largest challenges found with a paid membership model.
To listen to episode 168, go here.
The complete Above Avalon podcast episode archive is available here.