Tech Observations From My Vacation

It feels good to get into the swing of things following some vacation time. As in the past, we will ease back into the daily updates. My vacation included some time in various beach / seaside locations in New England. The list included both quiet locales and somewhat high-density areas.

Some time away from screens and my usual workflows can be incredibly enlightening when it comes to technology usage. A few years back, my vacation included just iPad and iPhone usage, representing the longest stretch without using a mouse and cursor in decades. Returning to the iMac after such a break felt awkward. The time away gave me perspective on how multi-touch is more intuitive than a mouse and cursor. My confidence level is high that at some point in the future, the same will be said about eye tracking / voice / gesturing / AI vs. multitouch. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We will focus on some observations from my vacation as it pertained to tech gadget / app / service usage.

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