Above Avalon Episode 55: Let's Talk 4-Inch iPhones

Above Avalon Episode 55: Let's Talk 4-Inch iPhones
Neil Cybart

In this episode, we discuss the "why" behind Apple releasing a new 4-inch screen iPhone at its upcoming product event. We take a closer look at the changing iPhone user base and the two primary factors contributing to a more diverse base with varying opinions and attitudes towards small screen iPhones. The episode then shifts to why things changed once the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus launched, making the case for a 4-inch iPhone that much more compelling. We conclude by briefly discussing the iPhone's future and what it means to have screen size be the primary differentiating factor. More information on Above Avalon memberships can be found at AboveAvalon.com.

Show Notes:

The Changing iPhone User Base - Above Avalon

Calculating the iPhone Installed Base and User Base (Above Avalon member email) - Above Avalon

Introducing New Above Avalon Memership Features and a Slack Team - Above Avalon

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Neil Cybart

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