Above Avalon Episode 31: Finding iPad's Future

Above Avalon Episode 31: Finding iPad's Future
Neil Cybart

There is something about the iPad that just doesn't sit right with me. The iPad is still selling at the pace of 10 million units a quarter, but broader trends point to specific use cases being preferred over others. In Episode 31, I go over the latest trends in the tablet market, why I still have concerns about iPad's future, and why a new form factor is needed at the high-end of the market to regain relevancy. Tablet computing was sold as the future of computing. However, the iPad's future needs to embrace a world where the iPhone is the most important computing device in our lives. 

Show Notes:

Finding iPad's Future - Above Avalon

Thoughts on iPad (October 2014) - Above Avalon

Apple's Plan for iPad in an iPhone World (January 2015) - Above Avalon

Apple Rethinking the Pen: Initial Thoughts on 'Apple Pen' - Above Avalon

Above Avalon Memberships - Above Avalon

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